The Very Best Inspirational Weight Loss Quotes

by Millie

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I recently lost 80 pounds in 8 months and boy have I learned a lot! I am stronger both physically and mentally. But I was also weak. At times I struggled. I failed many times. However, I have found motivation and strength in these inspirational weight loss quotes. And I hope you will too.

Good days are good. You make the best food decisions. You exercise to the best of your ability. You take care of your body. You feel like the amazing person you are.

But when you are having a bad day it’s tough to make good decisions to reach your weight loss goals. Experts say that we make 200 food decisions a day. And I can honestly say that there are some days that I make 199 bad food decisions. 

However, I have used these inspirational weight loss quotes to help me make better food and exercise decisions when the going gets tough. Losing weight is hard work. We have a lot of unhealthy habits that added extra pounds to our bodies. There are many small steps to get to a healthy weight and healthy lifestyle. And motivational weight loss quotes can help you achieve successful weight loss.

I have these quotes on sticky notes on my desk, in my wallet, and on my fridge. I also have them as wallpaper on my phone and laptop. I have a home gym so a few are on my wall as well. 

You can hover over an image and pin it to your inspiration or motivation board on Pinterest.

Getting Started

Sometimes it’s hard to start your weight-loss journey, partly because we have failed every single time before. But I know that the first step is the hardest. If the first step is hard for you, try getting motivation from these inspirational weight loss quotes.

I also use the following four quotes on the days when I need a mental kick in the butt. I truly believe that sometimes being mentally strong is the first step to a healthier you.

Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gum with a dumb bell; it starts in your head with a decision – Toni Sorenson

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. – Michael Jordan

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. – Arthur Ashe

Your body achieves what the mind believes. – Napoleon Hill

Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to remain the same. – Anonymous

Once you control your mind you can conquer your body. – Author Unknown

The question isn’t can you, it’s will you! – Author Unknown

inspirational weight loss quote - your desire to change must be greater than your desire to remain the same


Every day we are faced with temptation and cravings that are hard to resist. The lure of crappy food is always around the corner. And in a split second, before you know it, junk food is in your mouth.

I was recently at an event where I was surrounded by pizza, cakes, and cookies. I was obviously very attempted, but I remembered these two inspirational weight loss quotes. And yes, they were extremely helpful.

Instead of looking at the food that I couldn’t have. I saw the food that I didn’t want to have. And there it was. Right there on the table – a vegetable tray with dip. And next to the cookies was fruit. 

If you don’t do what’s best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end – Julius Erving

Looking after my health today gives me a better hope for tomorrow – Anne Wilson Schaef

The groundwork of all happiness is good health – Leigh Hunt

Weight loss is not a physical challenge, it’s a mental one. – Author Unknown

Eat for the body you want not the body you have. – Author Unknown

Love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of health. – Author Unknown

inspirational weight loss quote - eat for the body you want not the body you have


I try to be more active every day. But some days I feel lazy and don’t want to exercise. When I have those days, I look for strength and motivation in these inspirational quotes. And they usually do the trick and I get off the couch and move!

There are also times when I am sore from the previous day’s workout and it’s so easy to convince myself that I need a rest day, I deserve a rest day. But I know from past experience that this is the slippery slope that one rest extra rest day leads to one rest week, one rest month, and so on.

But have no fear, I turn to these inspirational weight loss quotes and I get a small boost of energy.

To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise. – Gene Tunney

Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got stronger or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it. – Jim Wendler

The pain of discipline will never be as great as the pain of regret – Author Unknown

Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise. – Carrie Latet

The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen. – Mick Kremling

Working out is never convenient. But neither is illness, diabetes, and obesity! – Unknown

This month’s choices are next month’s body. – Janelle Summers 

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out. – Robert Collier 

Be stronger than your strongest excuse. Be greater than your most negative voice. – Alan Maiccon

Excuses don’t burn calories. – Anonymous

You can feel sore tomorrow. Or you can feel sorry tomorrow, You choose. – Author Unknown

On the other side of your workout is the body and health you want. – Author Unknown

inspirational weight loss quote - you can be sore today or sorry tomorrow. you choose

Fall Off the Wagon

There are times when you do fall off the wagon. You didn’t make the best choices. No one is perfect, and don’t expect that you have to be perfect 100 percent of the time. Sometimes it feels like one step forward two steps backward. But don’t let that be the time you quit your weight loss journey or lifestyle change.

A couple of months ago, I didn’t feel great. I had no energy to exercise and worse of all, I was craving comfort food. But I bounced back after reading the following inspirational quotes.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

Weight loss is not impossible. Weight loss is hard, but hard is not the same as impossible. – Author Unknown

Never let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey. – Author Unknown

Consistency doesn’t mean never messing up, it means never giving up. – Author Unknown

Strive for progress, not perfection. – David Perlmutter 

Don’t stop until you’re proud. – Anna Colibri

inspirational weight loss quote - never let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey

When You Are Ready to Give Up

Do you have those days or times when you can’t go on anymore because it’s too hard? You are in pain, you’re tired, You are ready to give up. You have hit a plateau and despite all your best efforts, the scale isn’t moving. You have no support from family and friends.

These are times when quitting is easier than continuing. You have to be strong when you are weak. But, I have found these quotes to be very inspirational and helpful and give me the strength and courage to keep going.

Also read The Best Weight Loss Motivation Tips

You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there – Venus Williams

Getting my lifelong weight loss struggle under control has come from a process of treating myself as well as I treat others. – Oprah Winfrey

If you have discipline, drive and determination … nothing is impossible – Dana Linn Bailey

Triumph by putting a little soul into it – Nancy S. Mure

Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well. – Author Unknown

If you are tired of starting over stop giving up. – Shia Labeouf

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. – Fred DeVito

Don’t be upset b the result you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do. – Author Unknown

inspirational weight loss quote - if you are tired of starting over, stop giving up

Slow Progress

Finally, weight loss is very slow progress. The experts say that we should aim to lose one to two pounds a week. However, we are bombarded with ridiculous headlines suggesting that we could lose an impossible number of pounds in an impossible number of days, weeks, or months. Tempting us with fad diets that only cause us to eventually gain more weight at the end of the day.

When you have a lot of weight to lose, the length of time before you reach your goal weight can be daunting. But the only way and the best way to reach your ideal weight is the slow steady approach. But have no fear, remember these inspiring quotes will help you to stay motivated when you are overwhelmed.

You didn’t gain all your weight in one day; you won’t lose it all in one day. Be patient with yourself. – Jenna Wolfe

If you want results, they don’t come for free – Jillian Michaels

It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up. Author Unknown

No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everybody on the couch – Susie Millie

inspirational weight loss quote - no matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch

The Very Best Inspirational Weight Loss Quotes

These specific inspirational weight loss quotes were the ones I used time and time again to help me through the hard times and over the hurdles. I fall. But I get up and keep going. 

You can be the best version of yourself. You can reach your ideal body weight. You can have a healthy diet. You can achieve your fitness goals.

Keep these inspirational weight loss quotes handy and use them when you need some extra motivation and inspiration. Check out my best weight loss motivation tips for strategies to prevent or avoid those tough times.

If you enjoyed reading these inspirational weight loss quotes, you might also like these funny weight loss quotes.

.Do you have an inspirational weight-loss quote to add? I would love to hear from you!

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Denise June 24, 2020 -

These are great quotes. Thanks for sharing!

Millie June 24, 2020 -

Hi Denise, Thanks for stopping by! I’m glad you like the quotes.

Anna Elle Liz June 24, 2020 -

These are so good! One of my favorites is “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hi Anna, I’m glad you like my quotes. I also like yours about ability, motivation and attitude!

Kimberlie June 25, 2020 -

I love that your weight loss inspirational quotes cover all the different phases of working out: wanting to give up, the belief that it’s too hard etc. They are perfect to keep me inspired.

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Thanks, Kimberlie. It’s so great that you found some inspiration in the quotes.

Heather @ US Japan Fam June 25, 2020 -

Down 80 pounds!!! What an inspiration you are! My most challenging time isn’t on the diet so much, once my head is in the game I do pretty well, but once I reach my goal weight that’s the hardest part for me, staying healthy and not gaining anything back!

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hi Heather, Thanks. I still can’t believe that I have lost so much weight! Keeping the weight off is probably even harder than losing it. ut I’m sure you can do it.

Carolyn June 25, 2020 -

I love these!! I’m on week three of my weight loss journey. I put on a lot of weight during quarantine, and right now I just want to fit into the clothes I already own! I love “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.” Humans are inherently bad at long-term investment, so this is a great reminder that the choices we make now (even though they seem small) will have a greater effect in the long run. Great post, I feel so inspired!

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hi Carolyn, Congratulations on week one of your weight loss journey! Quarantine has been difficult or so many of us. But good for you for taking the first step. Good luck! You got this!

Patricia P June 25, 2020 -

Love these quotes. It is important to stay motivated to workout. Exercise is so important for health.

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hi Patricia, You are right – it’s so important to keep motivated to workout and that exercise is essential to good health.

Becky June 25, 2020 -

Fantastic Quotes, really helpful towards my motivation at the moment, thanks!! x

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hi Becky, Thanks! I hope they help to keep you motivated!

Natalie June 25, 2020 -

I love these quotes. I will print some out and put them on my fridge. Need some motivation.

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hi Natalie, Perfect! The fridge is an excellent location!

Tisha June 25, 2020 -

I definitely struggle with motivation and get frustrated. These are great to have on hand to remind me to keep going.

Millie June 25, 2020 -

Hoi Tisha, Great! I’m glad that you will find them useful.

Syedah Shifa June 26, 2020 -

These are some really motivating quotes. ‘It’s a slow process but, quitting won’t speed it up’ is my favourite one. Love them all!

Millie June 26, 2020 -

Hi Syedah, Thanks for your kind words. Your favorite quote is also my favorite. I need to remind myself every week that it is a slow process.


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