The Best Daily Weight Loss Affirmations for 2023

by Millie
daily weight loss affirmations

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I had a conversation recently with a friend who also struggles with her weight and after a lengthy debate, we concluded that one reason why diets are so hard is that the start of every diet is negative. We complain that we are so fat or so out of shape. We hate our big bellies, large hips, or flabby arms.

But what if we flip the switch? What if we tell ourselves that we enjoy eating healthy food? Or I love the way exercise makes me feel. What if we start doing positive daily weight loss affirmations?

Many times we say these negative statements openly and publicly, but we also say them subconsciously. Quite frankly we constantly boy shame ourselves and we are very good at it! But are these negative statements harmful? And what if we change to self-talk that affirms more positive beliefs. In other words what if we use positive affirmations?

I once read, if you don’t learn to control your thoughts, you will never know how to control your behavior. So why not change our thoughts to help us change our eating habits, get a fit body and finally achieve our weight loss goals!

I began doing daily affirmations for the first time a few months after I started my weight loss journey and I can honestly say that in addition to healthy eating and physical activity, I finally had weight loss success and was able to lose 80 pounds in 8 months! Can positive weight loss affirmations help you reach your ideal weight?

daily weight loss affirmations
New mindset with daily weight loss affirmations leads to new results

What Are Affirmations? 

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you replace negative, unhelpful, or self-sabotaging thoughts. They became popular in the 1920s and can be simple reminders or powerful inspiration to change. They are meant to reprogram the subconscious mind and in the case of weight loss, help us to believe that we can make better food choices, lose the extra weight and keep it off. And of course, you can use positive thoughts to avoid weight gain.

Daily weight loss affirmations are a powerful way to reprogram your brain to believe that you are healthy and fit as you work on getting to your goal weight. 

I love weight loss quotes and here are two that are relevant to why it’s important to change your negative thoughts. Once you learn to control your mind, anything you want is possible. Put another way, the body achieves what the mind believes

Also read: The Very Best Inspirational Weight Loss Quotes

weight loss affirmations
Change negative thoughts to positive

Do Affirmations Work?

Yes! Research has shown that affirmations have “benefits across threatening situations; affirmations can decrease stress, increase well-being, improve academic performance and make people more open to behavior change.

When I think of weight loss and those of us on a weight loss journey, we are definitively stressed and need a lot of help with behavior change. I can’t say we are in threatening situations, but there are times when faced with a thousand temptations we can feel threatened. 

Think of the ads we see and hear every day on TV, radio, social media, billboards, etc. They obviously work on us and are very effective and so we buy these products and services. In a similar way, your negative thoughts are like our ads about ourselves. 

How about canceling the negative ads and replacing them with positive ads. Replace the negative self-talk with positive phrases as an integral part of your weight loss plan.

How to Use Affirmations

daily weight loss affirmations
Repeat weight loss affirmations in the mornings and before bed

Experts recommend that in order to be effective, affirmations are to be repeated daily three to five times, and ideally in the morning and before bed. You can do one or more affirmations as you please. Many people like to repeat the statements in front of a mirror.

A friend told me that she feels silly repeating statements that she knows are not true! I reminded her that she only feels silly because she has decades of believing the opposite is true. Try listening to only positive ads or positive statements about yourself. It’s a great way to set yourself up for success!

I rarely, almost never, hear my fit friends complain about going to the gym. They always seem to have time in their busy schedules to exercise. 

A few years ago, I traveled around Italy for two weeks with a fit friend and it didn’t matter how busy our day was, she was always in the gym before breakfast. When I asked her about it, she simply said, “I love working out, I can’t start my day without it. 

On the other hand, I truly felt that I was too tired from sightseeing to exercise. And in fact, I actually thought that my friend was crazy. 

Fast forward to last year, after a few months on my weight loss journey; I vacationed at an amazing resort in Jamaica for a week. I walked before breakfast and after dinner every day. I also did an aquafit class before lunch every day. And I rode a stationary bike in the gym three times.

I returned from Italy 6 pounds heavier. I blamed the pasta and gelato. I returned from Jamaica 4 pounds lighter.

What was the difference? It was a change in my mindset and thoughts that led to me having a very active vacation. Now, I like the way I feel when I exercise. I like feeling strong. I enjoy pushing myself a little bit more every day, every week, every month. 

Are there days when I am too tired to exercise? Yes, but now I like the way I feel when I exercise. So I exercise. Simple as that. 

I also have a similar change when it comes to food. For example, I used to say that I hate anything green. Now, I happily look for different vegetables to buy and ways to add them to my recipes. When I was in Italy with my friends, it was easy to convince myself to gorge on pasta and gelato every single day.

On the other hand, in Jamaica, I avoided junk food and continued with my healthy eating habit. And yes, I did do my daily weight loss affirmations while on vacation in Jamaica. It’s a powerful tool that has an amazingly positive impact on me getting a healthy body.

You too can harness the power of daily weight loss affirmations to help you lose weight. I have researched the best affirmations for weight loss and I would love to share them with you. Sign up below to receive a powerful daily weight loss affirmation for 30 days. 

You can have the email handy on your phone and it will be super easy and convenient to repeat the daily weight loss affirmation in the morning and evening, or at any other time, you need a little boost of confidence.

Daily Weight Loss Affirmations Email vs a List of Affirmations

Of course, you can read a long list of affirmations, but why a daily email with a weight loss affirmation? Because research has shown that in order to be effective, affirmations must be done daily. And I have found from my personal experience that getting a daily email is the best, most effective way to replace old bad habits with a healthy lifestyle

The problem of adopting healthy habits is bigger than you think! How many food choices do you think you make a day? Six? Nine? Fifteen?

Researchers at Cornell University discovered that we make an average of 221 food-related decisions a day! The researchers went on to state that “each of small decisions is a point where a person can be unknowingly influenced by environmental cues.’

This study was not done specifically on overweight people. But can you imagine what these decisions and environmental cues are like for someone with weight issues? We are constantly surrounded by unhealthy foods and no wonder our weight loss efforts are so difficult. Clearly, your unconscious mind is making way more decisions than you can imagine. But you can reprogram your brain to make healthy options.

Of course, the weight will not magically fall off just by repeating weight loss affirmations. You still need to change your diet and exercise. You need to make your environment more weight loss-friendly. But the affirmations will change your mindset and will be one more tool in your weight-loss tool kit. 

Here is what I did to lose 80 pounds and keep it off:

Best First Steps to Weight Loss in 2022

11 Best Home Workouts for Overweight Beginners

The 4 Worst Foods for Weight Loss

4 Best Exercises for Obese Women for Weight Loss

Best 5 Foods for Permanent Weight Loss

daily weight loss affirmations
You can write your own weight loss affirmations

Write Your Own Daily Weight Loss Affirmations

If you want, feel free to write your own weight loss affirmations to get rid of the extra pounds for good. Here are the guidelines for the best affirmations that actually work::

  1. Begin your statement with I or I am as you want to turn the statements into a new identity. For example, I love to exercise. I am getting healthier every day.
  2. Use only positive statements. For instance, I love the way my body feels when I make healthy choices.
  3. Include emotional words. I feel happy when I exercise instead of I exercise every day.
  4. Use the present tense. I am, not I will or when I lose the weight I will be …
weight loss affirmations
Start and end your day with weight loss affirmations

Sample Daily Weight Loss Affirmations

Here’s a sample of daily weight loss affirmations for a week that you will receive by email:

Day 1: I adore the taste of healthy food.

Day 2: I love exercising and it makes me feel great.

Day 3: I am beautiful, healthy and fit.

Day 4: I love the way I feel when I exercise.

Day 5: I easily lose weight every moment of the day.

Day 6: I love my body and everything it does for me.

Day 7: I eat food that nourishes my body.

weight loss affirmations
Start receiving weight loss affirmations

Be Patient

You must be patient to achieve healthy weight loss. In fact, you should give yourself on average sixty-six days to develop your new healthy lifestyle. That is the average length of time it takes to break a bad habit and adopt a new habit. You may have heard that it only takes 21 days to change your behavior, but a 2009 study found that it takes on average 66 days to break and form a new habit.

However, the same study found that there were huge individual differences; anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for a new habit to stick. Are you more like the average person, on the low end or high end? you will only be able to tell from your individual experience.

Weight loss is truly is a long, slow marathon. Be patient with your lifestyle changes. And be patient with the affirmations. Eventually, you will have your favorite weight loss affirmation and use it again and again when you are faced with temptations!

Sign up Now for Daily Weight Loss Affirmations!

Losing weight is hard. I know how hard it is. I also know how many times we have all failed and sadly unless we make positive changes and develop a healthy relationship with food and fitness, we may fail again. But I do know that once you control your mind, you can conquer the body. You will drop the excess weight and be the best version of yourself.

I want to have as many weapons as possible to help me reach my weight loss goals. Of course, a healthy diet is important. Of course, exercise is important. Now let’s work on getting a positive mindset as well and make a conscious effort to healthy living.

One of my favorite quotes is, if you don’t learn to control your thoughts, you will never know how to control your behavior. 

Get the first daily weight loss affirmation right in your box today and begin to control your thoughts. You got this!

Simply fill and submit this form. If you didn’t receive an email please check your spam folder for an email from Healthier Millie.


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Krysten Quiles December 19, 2020 -

Love this so much. I’ve lost about half the weight I set my mind to, 2021 is a time to finish what I started for sure.

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Thanks, Krysten. 2021 is your year to reach your weight loss goals! Good luck!

Kim December 19, 2020 -

Oh Millie, what great tips! I use a vision board for my goals and it’s a way to re-inforce positive affirmations. I am a true believer, yet somehow manage to never prioritize my ‘health’ and this stops now. You are such a huge inspiration!

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Thanks, Kim! I have never used a vision board, but I know a lot of people who have had success with it. Bring out your vision board and lose the weight for good!

Knashz December 19, 2020 -

Having a positive mindset, I believe, is a really good way to go about with anything. Including weight loss!

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Hi Knastz, you are right! Have a positive mindset and eventually you will be successful with anything, including weight loss.

Ashley December 19, 2020 -

What awesome tips! Reinforcing affirmations helps me through my daily routines!

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Thanks, Ashley! Keep going with your daily affirmations!

rachel December 20, 2020 -

YES! I use affirmations every single day!!

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Hi Rachel, You got it! Affirmations definitely work.

Angie Rose December 20, 2020 -

I feel like having positive outlook is the perfect way to overcome daily struggles. Such a great post with awesome tips!

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Hi Angie, Thanks for your kind words. Yes, having a positive outlook can really help with your daily struggles.

Mosaic Designs December 22, 2020 -

I started doing affirmations some time back and i feel really good about it and i will continue doing it.

Millie December 23, 2020 -

Good for you! Keep going and wishing you continued success.


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