FREE Printable Water Tracker (Weekly and Monthly)

by Millie
printable water tracker

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Are you drinking enough water each day? If you’re not sure how much water you should be drinking, or if you need help staying hydrated, then get this free printable water tracker! 

Growing up I drank anything but water. I always resolve to drink more water at the start of every new year, However, I was only successful when I started using a daily water tracker.

How Much Water Do You Need?

You may have read that we should drink 8 glasses or 64 ounces of water daily. However, now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention no longer have a minimum water consumption recommendation. The amount of water you need on a daily basis varies by several factors including age, gender, activity level, and body weight. You can get water from other fluids and food.

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine an adequate daily fluid intake is sbout 15.5 cups of fluids a day for men and 11.5 cups for women.

Remember fluids include water, other beverages and food. You get about 20% of you daily fluid intake from food while the rest from drinks.

Therefore, a rough guide of drinks you need a day (including plain water) is about: 

  • 12 cups (3 liters) for men
  • 9 cups (2 liters) for women

The number of glasses of water needed is very individual, but you can track up to 10 cups daily with my hydration tracker. Suitable for most men and women.

glass and pitcher of water
Water has many health benefits

Water for Weight Loss and Health

Most of us are aware of how water can help with weight loss. When we’re dehydrated, our bodies hold on to water in an attempt to stay hydrated. This can lead to weight gain. Drinking plenty of water can help us lose weight and keep it off.  Water is also calorie-free, so it’s a great way to quench our thirst without adding any extra calories to our diet.

Water does more than just keep us hydrated,  it has many health benefits including:

  • Flushing toxins out of our bodies
  • Regulating our body temperature
  • Helping proper digestion and preventing constipation
  • Improving our skin health; giving us a natural glow.
  • Lubricating our joints and absorbs shocks
  • Helping to prevent headaches, as dehydration is a common cause of tension headaches
  • Assisting with cardiovascular health. It helps to keep our blood pressure in check and prevents our arteries from hardening.
  • Reducing our risk of developing kidney stones
  • Boosting our immune system
  • Increasing our energy levels 

Tips to Drink More Water

If you’re struggling to drink enough water especially on busy days, here are a few easy ways to help you increase your intake:

  • Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. This is a good idea to make sure that you always have access to water.
  • Drink before and after meals. Often times we don’t think to drink water until after we’re already full from eating. Drinking a glass of water before and after meals will help you stay hydrated and may even help with digestion.
  • If you find it difficult to drink plain water, try adding slices of lemon, cucumber, or other fruit and vegetables to make it more flavorful. You can also try sparkling water or herbal tea.
  • Make it a habit. Like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Set a daily personal goal and track your daily water intake with my printable water tracker.  Soon enough, drinking enough water will become second nature.

Get Your Free Printable Water Tracker

Monthly Water Tracker
Weekly Water Tracker

Starting a new healthy habit is hard, but one way to make sure you’re drinking enough water is to keep track of your water intake. This printable water tracker can help you do just that. Simply print it out and keep it in a handy place.  Every time you have a glass of water, simply mark it off on the tracker.

There are two different designs. You can use the weekly or monthly water intake tracker. Whatever works best for you. You’ll have a simple chart of the cups of plain water you drank at the end of the day, end of the week or end of the month.

Remember you can track up to 10 glasses of water with this hydration tracker, but your goal could be less. The important thing is to make sure that you get the number of glasses that is right for your healthy lifestyle. A great idea and fun way is to start a 30-day water challenge with friends. 

Get your free printable water tracker today. Leave your email address for an instant free download and start tracking water intake today! The water tracker is for your personal use.

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    Tweenselmom April 7, 2022 -

    Definitely saving this. I sometimes forget to drink water, so this will be a good reminder. Thanks!

    Millie April 7, 2022 -

    Great! I’m glad you find it useful!


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