The Best 5 Foods For Permanent Weight Loss

by Millie

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It is so easy to get caught up in the latest diet headline – no carbs, low carbs, paleo, keto, and so on. We have also seen the compelling before and after photos. But if you have done any of these, you may have witnessed the difficulty of keeping the weight off. I have now had a lot of success with eating these top five foods for permanent weight loss.

When I started thinking of what to eat to lose weight and keep it off, I knew I needed a solution for not, days, not weeks, not months, but quite frankly for the rest of my life. I wanted to break the yo-yo diet pattern. So it meant that I can’t be hungry, starving and deprived. I need food that tastes good and doesn’t leave me with intense cravings. I know from my past experience if I’m not satisfied it’s not a question of if, but when my diet will end. 

In addition, I have read enough of the harmful effects of ultra-processed food on our waistlines and health. So my focus will be on real food made by Mother Nature. For example, I will choose corn over corn flakes, potato over potato chips, or chicken over chicken nuggets. Now when I look at food, I ask myself, is this something my grandmother or great grandmother would eat? If the answer is yes, then it’s on the menu.

So here are the foods I eat to have lost 75 pounds in just under seven months and that will help me lose the next 75 pounds.

1. Protein

salmon and protein, one of the best foods for weight loss, on a bed of spinach
Protein, such as fish, will help you feel full after a meal

Generally, protein leaves me feeling full after a meal. Also, research has shown that it’s benefits include weight loss and building muscles. I know that most of us think of meat, chicken, and fish as good sources of protein. But I really enjoy beans, in particular, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, pinto beans, and, black beans. Also, broccoli and cauliflower are excellent sources of protein.

I found it was a no brainer to have protein for lunch and dinner. But, a high protein breakfast wasn’t hard to do. Typically I have Ezekiel bread, which is a low carb, sprouted grain bread, with avocado, peanut butter, almond butter, or tahini (ground sesame). And of course, eggs are an excellent choice. In fact, some weight loss experts think that eggs should be number one on your list. 

2. Fiber

the word fiber, is surrounded by high fiber foods, fiber one of the best foods for weight loss
High fiber foods will help you feel full after a meal

High fiber foods also help me to feel full after a meal. Most importantly, fiber controls blood sugar levels and therefore I really don’t have cravings for unhealthy food. In addition, fiber boosts your metabolism and is beneficial to lower your risk of many diseases.

A number of the high protein food above are also high in fiber, such as kidney beans and lentils. And I am sure you know that fruit and vegetables are also high in fiber. Furthermore, I switched to brown rice, whole grain pasta, and bread. I have also added grains like quinoa, couscous, farro, and bulger.

3. Vegetables

vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, one of the best foods for weight loss
Vegetables are very low in calories and high in fiber

It is no surprise that I eat a lot of vegetables and it is one of the foods for permanent weight loss. The best time about vegetables is that they are usually very low in calories. This means I can eat a lot! And they are high in fiber so you feel full. My shopping list usually includes broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and cabbage. I try to mix things up a bit so I am not bored.

Also, give some new vegetables a try. For example, recently I tried parsnip for the first time and it may be a permanent member of my shopping list. You may have noticed that lettuce is not on my list. Well, to be honest, I was never really a salad eater and when I did, my salad was covered in a creamy dressing. Or it was a high-calorie salad like Caesar salad or Greek salad. So I just avoid it. But if you like salad, for example, with balsamic vinegar, go right ahead and have it.

4. Fruit

fruit is high in fiber and good for weight loss. various fruits, pineapple, watermelon, mangoes, papaya, bananas, oranges, kiwi fruit
Fruit is high in fiber and make a great snack or dessert

 like fruit has been given s bad name by some of the popular diets because of its high sugar content. But the natural sugar in fruit does not have the same effect on your blood sugar level as high sugary drinks and food. Fruit is usually high in fiber. Therefore, it should be on my list of foods for permanent weight loss. 

You can also find fruit that is high in protein suck as kiwifruit and blackberries. At home, I usually have a fruit basket filled with apples, bananas, and oranges ready for a quick snack or dessert.

5. Nuts and Seeds

a lot of healthy nuts and seeds
a Nuts and seeds can be a great snack or addition to other foods

Nuts and seeds are like my kryptonite. When I start I can’t stop! So I limit it to peanut butter, almond butter, and tahini.

However, you can’t argue about the health benefits of nuts and seeds. However, note that a serving size is about a quarter cup or the amount that fits in the palm of your hand. I know that I can’t eat just a quarter cup. And therefore, I don’t even start,

Top 5 Foods for Permanent Weight Loss

So that’s it. That’s what I eat. My top five foods for permanent weight loss. I’m not hungry, don’t feel deprived and have no cravings. And this is has helped me to lose 75 pounds and counting. 

Check out the best exercises for obese people.

What is your favorite food for weight loss?

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Sarah Camp May 31, 2020 -

Great advice – and can attest to this! We don’t need pills or special products – we need real food!

Millie July 24, 2020 -

Hi Sarah, I’m glad you found the information helpful. You are right, we don;t need pills or special products!

Maria V May 31, 2020 -

I totally agree with these foods if you want to keep your weight balanced.

Millie May 31, 2020 -

Hi Maria, Yes, the food on this list will help you maintain or lose weight. Thanks for stopping by.

Ioana Minciu June 2, 2020 -

Really enjoyed your article. Protein is so important in weight loss, but it need to know exactly how much protein to eat…otherwise you will not lose weight.

Millie June 2, 2020 -

Hi Ioana, I’m glad you really enjoyed the article. You are right about protein. I know a few people who eat half a chicken and think they are ‘dieting’. Lol


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