How Much Water to Drink Daily for Weight Loss

by Millie

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Are you like me, confused about how much water to drink daily for weight loss? I have heard several recommendations and like almost everything concerning diet and weight loss, it’s hard to know what to do and which advice you should follow.

Of course, you have seen that eight glasses is the optimum amount of water we should have. Some experts also recommend more if you are overweight. We are also told that sometimes we are thirsty rather than hungry so drink water instead of eating.

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Another recommendation is to drink two glasses of water before every meal to reduce the amount you eat. So often we see individuals walking around with their water bottles like they are running a marathon in the Sahara Desert.

There are several websites that offer a free calculator to discover how much water one should drink daily.  They usually ask for your weight, age, and how active you are.  Recently, I completed two of these calculators.

The first water calculator recommended that I drink 189 ounces (5.6 liters or 23.6 glasses) of water daily. Another water calculator said I should drink 215 ounces (6.37 liters 0r 26.9 glasses) daily.  With recommendations like these, I’ll never be able to be far away from a restroom!

bottle of water and silver dumbbell on top of white towel
How much water to drink daily for weight loss?

How Much Water to Drink Daily for Weight Loss?

When it comes to how much water to drink daily for weight loss, there is scientific evidence to support drinking water for weight loss. Drinking water before meals can reduce your appetite. Water will fill up some of your stomach so there is not much room for a large meal. Other studies have found that drinking more water is correlated with eating fewer calories and avoiding weight gain.

These studies did give recommendations on how much water to drink daily to lose weight and it is 1-2 liters or 4 – 8 glasses. Another consequence of drinking more water is that it usually replaces high calories, sugary drinks. So yes, drinking water can help you lose weight.

And now we know that we should aim to drink about  4 – 8 glasses. Drinking this much water may seem impossible in the beginning. But start small and try to increase by a half a glass or one glass a day. Keeping a record or logging your water intake is also very helpful. I use my Fitbit to log my water. Keeping a water bottle on your desk or somewhere you can see it helps as well. 

This is how I get my 8 glasses a day:

  • 1 glass with a pill I take soon after I wake up
  • 2 glasses when I exercise before breakfast
  • 1 glass with breakfast
  • before and with lunch
  • before and with dinner
  • 2 glasses when I exercise after dinner

This is my favorite smart water bottle. It tracks every sip you take and lights up when it’s time for a drink!

two glasses of water with lemon slices and mint leaves
Add lemon, lime or other fruit to your water

I sometimes get tired of plain water. So I keep things interesting by adding fruit, not just lemon or lime, to my water and it since it looks so petty it will be easier to drink. I know a few people who dilute their sugar-free apple or orange juice with water. 

Sparkling water is also a nice change. I use SodaStream that magically turns plain tap water into sparkling water in a few seconds.

I used to use water enhancers, you know those flavored things you can squirt in your water bottle, but I don’t know what’s in them and I am trying to eat and drink things made by mother nature.

Also read Top 5 Foods for Permanent Weight Loss

Also read Best Exercises for Obese Women for Weight Loss

I hope you are relieved to get the science-based answer to how much water to drink daily for weight loss? If 8 glasses of water are too much for you right now, feel free to experiment and see what works best for you! You might be fine with drinking only 4 glasses of water!

Let me know how much water you drink daily?

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Rachel May 15, 2020 -

Thanks for sharing when you schedule your drinks in, I never thought to do that! Love it.

Millie May 15, 2020 -

Thanks. I’m glad that you found the information helpful.

Mimi May 29, 2020 -

I actually drink a lot during my meals but not as much during the day, luckily I love water so it’s fine, but I definitely drink about 2 litres

Heather May 29, 2020 -

I’ve been awful about drinking water lately! I can feel the difference.

Millie May 29, 2020 -

Hi Heather, I also can feel the difference when I don’t drink enough so I try my best to stay hydrated.

Amber Myers May 29, 2020 -

I try to drink as much water as I can. I always have a glass beside me. I usually add lemon to mine.

Millie May 29, 2020 -

Hi Amber, You have two great strategies – a glass with you at all times and lemon!

Brooke R May 29, 2020 -

I don’t drink enough water.. I need to make a more conscious effort to drink more throughout the day!

Millie May 29, 2020 -

Hi Brooke, You can start by having a bottle of water close by. Good luck!

Tisha May 30, 2020 -

I have the hardest time trying to get my daily intake of water, that is my biggest struggle with weightloss is getting the water in take I need.

Millie May 30, 2020 -

Hi Tisha, I know exactly what you mean. Try having a water bottle with you or near you, this makes it easier to remember to take a sip every few minutes.

Sandra Ans June 12, 2020 -

Luckily, I am the person who loves water! If I need to call my favorite drink, then it’s water! And that’s why a bottle with water is always with me wherever I go, drive or travel. I think I am drinking enough water! The problem is with those persons who don’t like water and cannot drink it (it’s my mother and my man, for example). They both have tried to drink it every day, to put inside different fruits and tastes and so on, but nothing helps! They are not ”water persons”. Strange, right?!

Millie June 12, 2020 -

Hi Sandra, it’s great that you can say that water is your favorite drink. Like you, I know so many people whose taste buds prefer pop, juices, etc. Yup, it’s strange.


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