SMART Goals for Nutrition Examples and Tips on How to Achieve Them!

by Millie
smart goals for nutrition examples

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If you’re like most people, you probably want to eat healthier but don’t always know where to start. Setting SMART goals for nutrition can be a great way to get started and stay on the right track. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let’s take a look at SMART goals for nutrition examples and tips on how to achieve them!

When it comes to nutrition, there are a lot of things to think about. What foods should you be eating? What is the right balance of nutrients for your body? And what are your specific goals? 

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to nutrition goals. Obviously, your goals are those that align with your overall health and wellness goals. Every person’s needs are different, and you need to figure out what works best for you. 

For example, my primary focus was weight loss and now it’s weight management. And as such, my nutrition goals and objectives are likely to be very different from someone who is at a healthy weight.

SMART Goals for Nutrition

SMART nutrition goals fruit
Create SMART nutrition goals to help you succeed

Creating SMART nutrition goals is the best way to set yourself up for success in reaching your nutrition goals. By setting SMART goals for nutrition, you can easily track your progress and make lasting changes to your diet. 

SMART nutrition goals can help you lose weight, improve your eating habits, make better food choices, and have better health. This goal setting method could be a powerful tool you need to completely change your relationship with food and have a healthy lifestyle. You can use it for big as well as small goals. Short-term goals and long-term goals.

This goal-setting process could be your first step to adopting healthy habits.

S: Specific – you should set a clear and specific goal, otherwise you won’t be able to measure or track your progress.

M: Measurable – If you don’t have measurable goals, how will you know if you are successful or not?

A: Achievable – you should have achievable and attainable goals, but they should be a stretch or a bit of a challenge for you.

R: Relistisric – choose a nutrition goal that is relevant to your current lifestyle and health needs. Your goal has to make sense for you.

T: Time-Bound – Time-bound goals are ones that have a start date and an end date. Make sure your nutrition goal is achievable within that time frame. 

Your time frame can be dependent on the specific nutrition goals. For instance, habits that you do every day can have a shorter timeline, than habits that you do weekly. 

Also note, research has shown that it takes an average of 66 days to adopt a new habit, and it ranges from 18 to 254 days.

I like to add an E and an R to my SMART goals, making them SMARTER

E: Enjoyable/Exciting – there is a higher likelihood of success if your nutrition goal is enjoyable or exciting to you.

R: Rewarding – Will it be rewarding to achieve your nutrition goal? Will you be super proud of yourself when you succeed? 

Also read 5 SMART Long-Term Fitness Goals Examples

SMART Goals for Nutrition Examples

smart nutrition goals vegetables
A nutritionist can help you create nutrition goals

Here are some examples of SMART nutrition goals. A nutritionist or registered dietitian can help you create SMART nutrition goals if you need more help. They can help you develop a plan that is tailored to your individual nutrition needs and goals.

  • I will drink eight glasses (or 64 ounces) of water per day for the next 30 days
  • I will eat breakfast every day within an hour of waking up this month
  • I will pack my own healthy lunch and snacks to eat at work or school four days per week for the next 4 weeks.
  • I will eat three servings of vegetables every day for 30 days.
  • I will snack on fresh fruits once per day for 6 weeks.
  • I will eat lean protein at every meal for 45 days.
  • I will cook dinner at home five nights per week this month.
  • I will limit my intake of sugary drinks to no more than two per week for 6 weeks.
  • I will not eat any fast food or processed meals during the week for 45 days. 
  • I will not eat after 9:00 pm on weekdays for 30 days.
  • I will eat mindfully and savor my food at least one meal per day for 4 weeks.
  • I will chew food thoroughly before swallowing it every day for a week.
  • I will only eat out on weekends, and I will make sure to choose healthier options when I do for the next month.
  • I will read nutrition labels when grocery shopping and choose items with healthy ingredients for 6 weeks.
  • I will measure my food portions for at least 2 meals per day on weekdays for 6 weeks.
  • I will try a new fruit or vegetable once a week for 8 weeks.
  • I will eat brown rice instead of white rice for the next 8 weeks.
  • I will eat whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta for the next 8 weeks.
  • I will eat whole grain bread instead of white bread for the next 8 weeks,
  • I will have one plant-based meal once per week for the next 8 weeks.
  • I will eat fish once per week for the next 8 weeks.
  • I will make a healthy new recipe once per week for the next 8 weeks.


Tips for Success

smart nutrition goals
Start with one to three nutrition goals

It can be difficult to stop a habit and adopt a new one. But here are some tips that can help you achieve your SMART nutrition goals.

  • Start with one to three nutrition goals. Once you have achieved these goals and see positive results, you can move on to a new goal. But try not to work on more than three goals at the same time.
  • You can start on any day, you don’t need to start on Monday, or to make new year’s resolutions
  • Pick a target date that makes sense for the type of goal.
  • Big goals can be broken down into smaller goals and small changes.
  • Track what you eat in a food journal.
  • Or you can use a simple habit tracker to track your new behavior,
  • Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to make it easy to stay on track.
  • Be sure to have everything you need for success. For example, if one of your SMART objectives is to drink more water, make sure you have a water bottle.
  • Choose simple recipes that use healthy ingredients, this is not the time to become a gourmet cook.
  • Stock your kitchen with healthy foods and keep unhealthy foods out of the house. You can’t eat what you don’t have.
  • Eat regularly throughout the day to avoid getting too hungry and resorting to unhealthy foods.
  • Be flexible, adjust your goal, if necessary. For example, maybe you planned to do something every day, but the weekends are proving too difficult. It’s okay, to change your goal to weekdays only.
  • Be kind to yourself. Be patient.

Set Your Own SMART Nutrition Goals

succeed with smart nutrition goals
Give yourself the best chance of success

Achieving your nutrition goals and objectives can be tough, but it’s not impossible. By setting SMART health goals and following some simple tips, you can give yourself the best chance of success. 

I hope these examples of SMART nutrition goals have given you a good starting point for creating your own SMART goals. 

The bottom line is that if you want to see real results, set SMART goals and put in the effort. Remember to set specific and realistic goals.

And don’t forget to give yourself some grace and be patient – it’s okay if you slip up sometimes, just get back on track and keep going! 

Ready to get started on your own SMART nutrition goals? What are you going to work on this week as part of your nutrition journey?

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